Monday, August 16, 2010

Why Churchill?

This past school year was hectic for both Jennifer and I. I was teaching full time and taking classes part time at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Thus, I was gone 2 nights a week taking classes. Jen, on the other hand, worked full time for Westinghouse and took classes full time from CALU. So when March rolled around, Jen received her masters degree and had nothing to do those nights while I was away. She took to looking at home properties since the first time home buyer's tax credit was a huge incentive for buying a house. In the next 4 weeks we looked at some 30 homes, I am not exaggerating, all over the Eastern suburbs, and we settled on the house we have now for a few reasons wrapped around the idea of Location, Location, Location:
  1. Churchill is close to the school where I teach at, the church we worship at, and the seminary I attend. (My bike commute to Trinity is either 1.6, 1.8, 2.1 miles depending on the route I take!) It is a community we spend a lot of time in, so why not live here?
  2. Friends live in our community. Our community group has close to 30 people coming out. There are three young couples that we are close to, many of my colleagues are nearby, and it is family friendly.
  3. In 10 minutes we can be downtown in the city- if traffic is good. Many of our friends live in the city, thus again we are more central to our community. (*10 minutes is subject to weather, traffic, and other conditions.)
We looked at houses in Monroeville, Murrysville, Forest Hills, and Churchill. A theology of place guided our search. The biggest downside is Jen has a long commute, even though it is the same length as when we rented in Murrysville.

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